Arkansas Populated Places 's' List


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Arkansas "S" Populated Places

 Additions and/or corrections to the database are encouraged! Simple Add/Edit Procedure.

Populated Place - Place or area with clustered or scattered buildings and a permanent human population (city, settlement, town, village). A populated place is usually not incorporated and by definition has no legal boundaries. However, a populated place may have a corresponding "civil" record, the legal boundaries of which may or may not coincide with the perceived populated place. Distinct from Census and Civil classes.
Displaying 1 to 75 of 78 records Next 75 Records
Name County
Saint Francis Cross
Saint Thomas Crittenden
Salem Faulkner
Saline Dallas
Saline Howard
Saline Bradley
Saline River Grant
Sanders Hot Spring
Sandtown Conway
Sandtuck Bradley
Sardis Hempstead
Sassafras Arkansas
Scaife Chicot
Scanlan Crittenden
Scarb Craighead
Scoby Cleveland
Scrouge Out Drew
Secrest Jefferson
Sedalia Benton
Sellmeyer Clay
Sensation Scott
Serepta Springs Nevada
Settlement Van Buren
Sexton Washington
Shake Rag Van Buren
Shaver Boone
Shaw Craighead
Shilo Searcy
Shiloh Cleburne
Shonyo Mississippi
Short White
Silt Lincoln
Silver Springs Benton
Simco Sharp
Simmons Woodruff
Sims Mississippi
Slatington Montgomery
Slicker Searcy
Slip-Up and Hitch Howard
Slocomb Saline
Slovaktown Prairie
Smead Calhoun
Smeadley Johnson
Smithton Clark
Smithville Craighead
Smyrna Howard
Sneed Cleveland
Sommer Logan
South Bend Lincoln
Southern Home Yell
Spear Prairie
Spencer Baxter
Spielerville Logan
Spring Bank Miller
Spring Lake Garland
Springfield Mississippi
Stanley Pike
Star of the West Pike
Stephenson Pike
Sterling Chicot
Stineville Prairie
Stone Marion
Stoops Monroe
Stop Crawford
Studemeir Grant
Sturdevant Woodruff
Sturgis Bradley
Styra Clay
Sub Rosa Franklin
Sulphur Spring Newton
Summit Washington
Summit Benton
Sunny Gap Faulkner
Sunrise White
Sunshine Howard
Page 1 2 Next 75 Records
